Sunday, October 16, 2011

HBHL- 16 Oct 2011

Healthy Body Healthy Lifers,

Welcome to my new blog!! It's obviously a work in progress, but I'm super excited about it's potential!  In the future I hope to figure out how to post videos on the site and have a link to all of the recipes.  Right now, it's a closed site. As it grows, eventually I'll continue to post my weekly blogs on an open blog, but only members will be able to access EVERYTHING else on a separate website.  Please continue to use for any type of communication with me- questions, etc.  But, feel free to post comments on the blog and have conversations amongst yourselves!  In fact, I encourage it :)  
As always, I am here to answer any questions.  Also, let me know if you have any feedback for me on how to make this program even better!  Thank you for all of your support as Healthy Body Healthy Life grows.  
Fitness/Wellness Lesson:
How many times have you been lying in bed trying to get to sleep, but you end up watching the clock rotate through every agonizing minute?  Sometimes it's extremely difficult for us to relax and allow our bodies to sink into a peaceful slumber.  Maybe your extra stressed about something or maybe it was something you ate (a future post will discuss how dairy and red meat can cause sleep problems!) or maybe you just flung yourself into bed after a busy day without allowing your body to smoothly transition into sleep.  Here are some tips for optimizing relaxation before bed:
1. Turn off anything with a screen at least 30 minutes prior to bedtime (I know it's hard!)
2. Eliminate any caffeinated drinks after 3 pm (preferably eliminate them all day!)
3. Try to go to bed at the same time each night.
4. Build a bedtime routine of quiet, meditative activities (reading, a relaxing bath/shower)
5. Try a gentle before bed yoga practice.

Check out the link below for a relaxing yoga routine that will help you sleep: 

          Bed Time Yoga

You can also start your day with a few basic yoga moves. Before rising out of bed, bring your knees into your chest and rock side to side.  Hold just your right knee into your chest (with your left leg flat on the bed) and take 5 deep breaths.  Switch legs and repeat.
Nutrition Lesson:   
Continuing with our discussion on superfoods, this week we are going to discuss three of my favorites:  Nuts, Berries, & Avocados.
Nuts are a type of food you could practically consider a vitamin.  Most nuts contain health-enhancing oils that benefit cardiovascular health and prevent heart disease.  Eating nuts daily can lower your risk of coronary artery disease and heart attack.  Nuts contain Omega-3s, they regulate blood lipids and glucose, and can help prevent diabetes.

Berries are high in phytonutrients and have anti-cancer properties.  Blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries can improve vision, cleanse your blood and kidneys, and enhance your immune system.  While berries do contain carbohydrates (in the form of fruit sugar) they are highly beneficial to your health and a necessary part of your diet.

Avocados are not only delicious (yes I'm from California where they literally grow on neighborhood trees!) but so good for you!  They contain a variety of phytonutrients and are very rich in healthy oils.  They are high in calories, so eat them in moderation, but definitely consider adding them to your diet if you don't already.

Also, with the holidays approaching there are plenty of superfoods to include in your holiday meals.  Check out the article below to find out which ones are holiday savvy:
          Holiday meal superfoods

Have a wonderful week! 


  1. Jannell,
    The blog looks great! So glad you could make it work. :)

  2. Congrats!! I am excited to watch HBHL grow!!!!!

  3. Thanks, guys! Def a work in progress- and I will get pictures up soon :)
