Sunday, November 20, 2011

HBHL- 20 Nov 2011

Healthy Body Healthy Lifers,

What a great turn-out for the Turkey Burner!  Thanks to everyone who participated- besides being a "bit" cold it was actually a great morning for a run.  I'm including two photos we took- one with all the kiddos and hubbies, and one of the ladies right before the race started.  

Unfortunately, we didn't get our HBHL shirts in time, but hopefully we will have them for the next race!  Speaking of...

**One last note for the week... many of you have shared with me (and some I have noticed!) how you feel stronger and leaner, your balance is getting better, and you are seeing changes in your family.  I LOVE hearing about the positive effects you are seeing/feeling from the HBHL program!  The holidays are going to be tough- but just remember to stay focused on MODERATION being your mantra.  Try your best to get your workouts in- powerbodyz can be accomplished in less than 30 minutes, or take a long walk before/after Thanksgiving dinner, or just do a few yoga flows first thing in the morning or right before you head to bed.  Fit in some activity AND be smart about what you eat and I have no doubt that you will sail through the holidays without gaining any unwanted pounds!

Weekly workouts:  Remember 2 HBHL instructor supervised workouts per week and 3 on your own.  To get the full benefits of the program, I'd like you to get 5 workouts per week- but AT LEAST make time for 4 workouts.  Do not feel guilty about taking time for you!! You are worth it!!

PBz Workouts:

Fitness Lesson:  
Performing yoga in a heated environment increases your flexibility and reduces your risk of injury.  How does it do this exactly? When exercise and meditation is done in a hot environment, the heat enhances your muscles ability to stretch.  You achieve greater range of movement in the supporting structures of the body, which makes the body more flexible.  This makes you less likely to experience muscular injury. Apart from that, hot yoga stimulates the excretory system, thus helping in cleansing the body.  Heat also helps in the detoxification of the body because of the expulsion of sweat. 
Hot yoga will enable you to breathe more efficiently, calming the mind and bringing an inner peace.  Most of us breathe in a very shallow manner.  While in a heated environment, you breathe deeper and are able to access up to 50% more of your lung capacity.  Through deep breathing you can develop a deeper connection with your body and revitalize your mind and your spirit.  The quiet, precise movements of yoga draws your focus away from your busy, chaotic day and toward calm as you move your body through poses that require balance and concentration.  Flowing through each asana (pose) strengthens your body, as well as your mind.  The beauty of yoga is that it will challenge you and push you outside of your comfort zone, while at the same time cultivating a peaceful state of mind.  

The Benefits of Hot Yoga
·       Weight Loss
o   Your body burns fat more effectively in the heat. Fat may be redistributed and burned as energy during the class.
o   Your metabolism speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids.  This allows better nutrient absorption and a breakdown of fatty acids.
·      Greater Range of Motion and Flexibility
o   The heat produces a fluid-like stretch allowing for greater range of movement in joints, muscles, ligaments and other supporting structures of the body.
o   Your muscles and connective tissue become more elastic and allow for greater flexibility with less chance of injury and improved resolution of injury
·      Detoxification & Oxygenation
o   Capillaries dilate in the heat; more effectively oxygenating the tissues, muscles, glands and organs and helping in the removal of waste products.
o   Sweating promotes detoxification and elimination through the skin - which is the body's largest eliminating organ
·      Sound Mind
o   You benefit from a strengthening of willpower, self-control, concentration and determination in this challenging environment

**A portion of the information obtained from Yoga Workout Headquarters and Quick Fit Yoga

Nutrition Lesson:  
Have you often wondered what's the difference between CACAO powder and COCOA powder? I know I have and I recently purchased CACAO powder as a "superfood" to add to my morning smoothie.  Which, by the way, makes a FABULOUS morning shake:  2 bananas, 1 cup of milk (I use almond or coconut), handful of flax seed, handful of chia seeds, scoop of chocolate super greens, handful of Cacao powder, tablespoon of peanut butter, cup of ice = YUM!  But, I didn't know the real difference b/w cocoa powder (think of chocolate) and cacao powder (think superfood).    As with all supplement recommendations, remember the moderation rule!  Check out the following link to learn about the differences:

BENEFITS OF CHIA SEEDS: Do you remember those Chia Pets they sold when we were kids? Well, Chia seeds- which sprout into the Chia Pet- have been used for centuries as a "superfood" by the ancient Mayan and Aztecs.   It's one of the best known sources of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, protein and anti-oxidants.  It also is known to balance blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol.  It can be added to smoothies, cereals, salads and various other recipes for an extra boost!  They also have hydrophilic properties- basically the ability to keep you hydrated- so it's especially helpful to athletes and exercisers.  Check out the following article for more information on chia seeds:


I found this website that has some yummy looking vegan options for Thanksgiving dishes.  Check them out:

Have a wonderful week!  As always, feel free to email me with any questions :)



Jannell MacAulay, BS Biology, MS Kinesiology

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