Sunday, February 26, 2012

HBHL - 26 Feb 2012

Healthy Body Healthy Lifers,

Congrats to the HBHL'ers who went through YogaFit training up in Prattville this weekend- Whitney Turner, Pam Wiederholt, Gina McFarland, Jeannine Morton-Brown, and Erin Kauffman.  I'm so proud of their efforts!  The experience deepened their knowledge of yoga fundamentals and is the start of their journey toward becoming successful yoga instructors.  Great job, ladies!

Speaking of yoga...this month's SELF magazine had a great article detailing the health benefits of yoga.  From a more positive outlook to decreasing back pain to falling asleep easier to increased body toning to de-stressing, yoga is good for your body AND your overall well-being.  For those of you dedicated yogi's - you know what I'm talking about.  So, encourage a friend to join you for a yoga class!  Share the experience and the benefits...that's the core of what HBHL is all about:  being a community role model and inspiring others to take care of themselves too!

Lots of information for the HBHL - Alabama crowd! Check out the HBHL - AL link for all of the details on the following events:

Wed 29 February 630PM at the Deer Creek Clubhouse:  FREE YOGA/PBz class and fundraising event for HBHL courtesy of Rodan and Fields.  Bring a friend!!

10 March 8AM FREE 5K at Earth Fare in East Montgomery

15 March 730AM 5K at Maxwell AFB

PBz Workout:  This week's Powerbodyz workout is a new one!  Get ready for some new moves... Check it out here:  Powerbodyz Workout
Also- the core workout is still posted.  Fit it in after a run or in combo with whatever cardio you do this week!

Wellness Lesson: Deodorant vs Antiperspirant!
Many of you have asked my opinion on deodorants & antiperspirants.  In his book, CLEAN, Dr Junger discusses the toxins included in our every day bathroom & makeup products, and how they contribute to the build up of toxins within our systems.  Together, with reading food labels, you should start reading the labels of your toiletry products. You will probably find them filled with many chemical compounds that aren't found in nature, which can cause  skin irritations, allergies, and various other reactions.  Many deodorants and antiperspirants in particular, contain aluminum (the compound that prevents you from sweating).  Basically, the aluminum is not only introduced into your circulation as a toxin but it also blocks your pores' natural detoxification process.

There is some controversy surrounding whether the chemicals in these products contribute to breast cancer or Alzheimer's - particularly because the aluminum or parabens can supposedly be absorbed directly into the lymphatic system through the lymph nodes in the underarm.  While nothing is conclusive, there is evidence that points toward the potential.  Do your own research on the topic, but with all of the environmental toxins that we have no control over, this is a toxin I personally can control ... which is why I choose to use chemical free deodorants.  You can read more about these studies on the National Cancer website:

It's important to note there is a difference between the terms deodorant and antiperspirant.  Although some products are actually labeled as both (I used to use Dove Antiperspirant/Deodorant), some products are labeled separately.  An antiperspirant stops sweating by using aluminum or zirconium to block pores, while a deodorant stops the smell of sweat, but doesn't block pores, unless it's also an antiperspirant.

I highly recommend purchasing and using paraben and aluminum free deodorants.  I personally use the Nature's Gate Organics Deodorant which you can find at the base commissary.  I've also used Tom's of Maine, which I would recommend.  You can find other versions at your local health food store, just make sure you read the label.  Everyone's body is different, so I urge you to find one that will fit your particular needs.  A word of warning...once you transition to an aluminum and paraben free deodorant, your body will have a transition period.  I suggest switching during the winter months when the transition won't be as...let's say it would be in the middle of summer.  It will take your body a week or two to adjust to using the new product.  The first time I tried it, years ago, it was in August and I gave up within 3 days!  The next time I tried in January and the adjustment was bearable.  Remember that sweating is actually a way for your body to release heat and rid itself of toxins - so it's not necessarily a bad thing!  

On a side note...many toiletry products (from shampoos to soaps to lotions) contain chemicals that can enter into your system through your skin.  Make sure you check out cosmetic labels and make smart choices.  As Dr Junger says, "Your choice of products should be guided more by the ingredients list than the promised effect."   

Nutrition Lesson: Revisit on Green Tea (Matcha)!
Thanks to HBHL'er Shelly for reminding me that not all green teas are made the same.  While green tea itself has tons of benefits, as previously mentioned - Matcha tea has 137 times the antioxidants as compared to regular green tea.  Matcha green tea has a slightly different taste, and may take a bit to get used to (or you might just LOVE it - you never know!) but its added benefits can be attributed to the fact that the whole tea leaf is ingested rather than just the steeped water of regular green teas.  Republic of Tea carries 100% matcha green tea, and I believe it is carried at Earth Fare and World Market.  Otherwise, you should be able to find it on Amazon.  Thanks, Shelly for the great info!

Lastly, I want to direct you to a recent controversy concerning apple juice.  It was highlighted on the Dr Oz show and the FDA is currently investigating the issue.  Do your own research and make the right choice for your family - but it all goes back to READING LABELS and knowing where your food comes from.  Here's the link if you'd like to check it out:

Dr Oz Report on Apple Juice

I'm adding a new feature to Facebook.  I'll post a weekly question and hope you will all share your answers with everyone!  We have so much we can learn from each other :)

Have a wonderful week!

Be Educated.  Be Balanced.  Be Fit.  Be Healthy.


Jannell MacAulay, BS Biology, MS Kinesiology
Certified Yoga, Powerbodyz, Piyo and Fitness Instructor
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
HBHL ~ Learn. Change. Grow.

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