Sunday, March 11, 2012

HBHL - 11 March 2012

Healthy Body Healthy Lifers,

For HBHL - AL peeps:  Awesome showing at the Earth Fare 5K this weekend.  I loved seeing everyone out there and am so excited to see more HBHL'ers getting out for their first 5Ks in the future!  There's another 5K this week on Thursday March 15th at Maxwell AFB.  Stay tuned on Facebook for more details about the exact when/where info!

CLICK HERE for more HBHL - AL information

This week (in two posts) we'll be discussing various oils, dissecting cobra and upward facing dog, and learning about a new superfood.  Did anyone try the yummy cinnamon bread from last week?

Powerbodyz:  This week's Powerbodyz workout is posted.  Check it out:
CLICK HERE for the Powerbodyz Workout

Wellness Lesson:  Deciphering Various Oils
Confused about all of the various oils out there?  I've discussed the benefits of olive oil in a previous post CLICK HERE for olive oil info, but there are so many other oils, how do you make sense of it all?  First, it's important to avoid hydrogenated oils which are chemically altered and contain trans fats.  The trans fats increase LDL (bad cholesterol), and have been linked to diabetes, coronary disease, and obesity.  Here's a little run down on some of my favorite oils:

* Avocado Oil: Rich in monounsaturated fats, which can lower LDL levels while increasing HDL (good) levels.  Avocado oil is also rich in Vitamin E.  You can use avocado oil for sautéing, roasting, baking, or stir-frying.  Try it in salad dressings and soups, or dip bread into it.

* Canola Oil:  A relatively controversial oil, canola oil gets mixed reviews.  It's a good source of heart-healthful monounsaturated fats, and omega-3s, but make sure you get the organic version as some canola oil is made from genetically engineered crops.  Most important note here:  READ THE LABEL.  Canola Oil can be used for roasting, broiling, baking, and stir-frying, as well as a substitute for mayo or in salad dressings.  I suggest looking into canola oil yourself, reading the labels, and remembering the moderation rule.  Check out this article for more information:  Canola Oil Info

* Coconut Oil:  I LOVE coconut oil.  It's a naturally saturated fat.  While it is wise to avoid most saturated fats, they are not all created equal.  Like the healthy fats we get in avocados, coconut oil is mostly made up of saturated fat (11.8 grams per Tablespoon), but since it's natural it can reduce LDL levels and its high levels of lauric acid has antimicrobial properties.   Not only do I use coconut oil for cooking and baking, but its GREAT for your skin! I use it as a moisturizer all the time.  It can reduce wrinkles, and I've also heard that it can help with skin problems like eczema and dermatitis.  Check out this article for more information on coconut oil:  Benefits of Coconut Oil

* One last addition to the discussion on EVOO:  If you cook with it, make sure you keep it at low temperatures.  It will lose its flavor if heated too high! It's best used in salad dressings, for dipping bread, drizzled over finished dishes or used as a marinade.  Use pure olive oil for roasting, broiling, sautéing, and stir-frying :)

There are many other oils to discuss, stay tuned for a follow up blog in the future!

Weekly Challenge:  Try a new workout.  If you've never tried yoga - give it a go!  Been intimidated by Powerbodyz?  Check out the introductory workout!  Grab a friend and branch out into something new - take a spin class or go for a walk/jog!  

This week's Facebook Question: Since joining HBHL, what is your favorite new food?  How do you like to eat it?

Have a wonderful week!

Be Educated.  Be Balanced.  Be Fit.  Be Healthy.


Jannell MacAulay, BS Biology, MS Kinesiology
Certified Yoga, Powerbodyz, Piyo and Fitness Instructor
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer
HBHL ~ Learn. Change. Grow.

1 comment:

  1. I took the self-defense workshop at MJ's studio this weekend and am going to continue to take classes this month. This is the last month Guerrilla Fitness in Montgomery is offering women's self defense for awhile so give it a try if you're interested! It's a great workout (I'm still sore!) plus I think he said they offer cardio right afterward!
