Sunday, December 18, 2011

HBHL- 18 Dec 2011

Healthy Body Healthy Lifers,

Merry Christmas!  Only 2 more weeks until the HBHL blog goes "live"!  Together with the website launch I'm going to start an HBHL Facebook page.  Look for it on Facebook and share with your friends!!  We will use both the blog AND the facebook page for Cleanse updates.  I encourage any facebookers who are cleansing to "like" the HBHL facebook page so that you can post your own comments on your progress!  We'll use both forums to keep up with each other and to stay motivated!  Speaking of the Cleanse...

It's coming soon!!! T-15 days until you can choose to start the elimination diet and T-20 days until the Cleanse begins!  I'm still working on the shopping and recipe lists- I hope to have them available for everyone next week. If you've looked at the YES/NO lists and have any recipe suggestions please send them my way- I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to put together foods on the approved list.

One thing to note:   The purpose of the cleanse is to clean out the toxins so that your body can work efficiently- like it's meant to operate!   You might be thinking-- but I don't have any issues and I don't get sick after eating anything.  Well, there are differences between having a food allergy and having a food intolerance.  A food intolerance may cause you to feel sick immediately- bloating, upset stomach, diarrhea, etc.  A food allergy may present itself in a different way- allergies, auto immune disorders, headaches, migraines, skin conditions.  The Cleanse will help you find out what is bothering you, so that you can avoid those foods, helping your body to operate efficiently.  

Remember that the HBHL program is helping you to build a healthier life.  I don't promote diets.  I don't promote quick fixes.  This is a long term lifestyle change.  The Cleanse is just one way of getting healthier.  It may not work for you- especially if you don't follow the mandatory guidelines.  BUT... you may find out that by eliminating certain foods you find a more rested, energetic, positive, and healthier version of yourself.

**NOTE: Do not attempt the Cleanse if you have any medical conditions or issues.  Consult your doctor before embarking on ANY detox program.  Even though this Cleanse is a healthy and natural way to detox- I recommend getting your doctor's approval.  

What are the mandatory parts of the cleanse?
The essentials (to do daily):
- Plan and prepare your 3 meals: one liquid breakfast, one solid food meal for lunch, one liquid dinner; adding supplements as necessary.  This will be easy with my shopping and recipe lists.
- Follow the food guidelines to the best of your ability.  Remember this is a temporary three weeks.  If you want to go back to your old way of eating after the three weeks, you can.  But you might not want to!  I always say that nothing tastes as good as you will feel.
- Leave a 12-hr window between the last meal of the day and the first meal of the next day.  Try not to snack in between.
- Go "potty" every day.  This is REALLY important.  Not only do you need to make sure you are consuming the correct vitamins and nutrients, but you need to make sure you getting the gunk OUT.  
- Drink lots of water! You should go to the bathroom every hour. If not, drink more!
- Move.  WALK!  Park further away.  Take the stairs.  
- Rest. Get enough sleep every night, and breathe deeply all day long.
What else do you need to know about the cleanse?  There are some optional activities you can do each week during the cleanse.  These will enhance your cleansing experience:
- Do yoga!  Especially hot yoga as it is very detoxing.
- Sit in the sauna
- Meditate!  Clearing your mind, helps to clear your body.
- Detox baths- more to follow on these...
- Dry brush your skin (it's the largest organ in your body!)
- Exercise and get your lymph system moving (placing your hands above your head everyday helps the elimination and detoxing process)
- Hot/cold plunges (either in pools or just at the end of your shower turn the water as cold as you can stand it for up to 1 minute, then turn it as hot as you can stand it for up to 1 minute.. do this a few times before exiting the shower to detoxify through your skin)
- Massage... we all love this one. Ask your partner or schedule an appt with the masseuse each week.
- Laugh!  Enjoy the process and just think of how great it is to find that happy person inside!

- Lubricate your intestinal tract:  take 2 Tablespoons of olive oil every night before bed (I could stomach regular olive oil way better than the EVOO kind)

-WRITE!! Add comments to the daily HBHL blog/facebook page to share how you are feeling. Journal about your experiences- chart your foods and how you slept the night before.
- Record your progress with photos!  See the transformation by the end of the program.
- Eat a clove of garlic every day- you can work this into your meals, or just eat a clove each night.  I always work it into my foods, or I'd eat it between two slices of an apple.
- LEARN! During the process read the CLEAN book (if you haven't already) or read more about health/wellness topics.  

REMINDER- No classes this week.  Instead I'm including 3 PBz workouts.  One is a short 20 min workout, one is a regular 28 minute workout, and the last one is a challenging 30 minute workout. 

Fitness/Wellness Lesson: Hydration Even in the Winter!

During the winter months, we tend to forget how important it is to stay hydrated.  Our body is 2/3 water, and relies on it to perform many bodily functions.  From removing waste, to transporting nutrients & oxygen, to regulating body temperature, and lubricating joints, water is crucial to our survival.  I know I go through phases where I don't drink enough water and I find myself moody and cranky, with miserable headaches.  Water, and not just any liquid, is vital to a healthy body.  While most liquids (ie sodas, juices) do contain water, they are not as beneficial or hydrating for you because they include extra calories, sugars, caffeine, or chemicals.  

One thing to remember is to not wait until your thirsty to hydrate.  Make a conscious effort to drink water throughout the day to prevent suffering from the dehydration symptoms.  It's especially important to stay hydrated when you are feeling ill, before you exercise (especially hot yoga!) and before exposing yourself to hot weather.  Dehydration can occur just as easily in the winter as it can in the summer, but due to the outdoor temperature we may not notice the dehydration symptoms as quickly- plus, a lot of times a tall, cold, glass of water doesn't sound very appealing when it's freezing outside!  So, always make sure you are drinking water regardless of the temperature outside.

So....Water is important!  Grab a BPA free bottle and continually fill it up throughout the day.  But how much should you be drinking each day?  Eight 8 oz glasses?  The article below maps out how much water you should be drinking based on your gender and body weight:

One other thing to think about is that water isn't the only way to hydrate.  Check out this article which discusses different types of hydrating foods:

Lastly- I'm going to throw a shout out to coconut water. Some people do not enjoy it's taste, but it can easily be used in your morning smoothie (substituting for water) and you won't taste the difference.  However, you'll get many benefits from the change.  It's extra hydrating, contains natural vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes.  Some studies have found coconut water's cytokinins to provide significant anti-aging and anti-carcinogenic effects.  It also has many bioactive enzymes that aid in digestion and metabolism, and coconut water is a great source of B-complex vitamins.  They carry it in large cases at Costco and I believe they started carrying it at the commissary.  Check it out.  You might not like the taste by itself (or you may love it!) but try it as a substitute for water in some of your smoothie and soup recipes!

Nutrition Lesson:  Superfood - Dark Chocolate

Is there any better news than finding out that chocolate is good for you?  I've already written about the benefits of cacao powder, and now I'm sharing about dark chocolate (which is a sweeter derivative of cacao).  Dark chocolate has the same beneficial properties of cacao- high in anti-oxidants, can lower blood pressure, and protect your heart. And the darker the chocolate- the better (the milk in milk chocolate reduces its antioxidant content). 

However, moderation is key.  It is not necessary to eat large quantities of dark chocolate in order to get the benefits.  Just one small square per day gives you the health boost that you need.  That small square can also curb your cravings and satisfy your sweet tooth. So, consider having dark chocolate around when you need a sweet afternoon pick me up!  

This week I've included two dark chocolate recipes for you to think about during the holidays.  We all enjoy sweets- but isn't it better to have something sweet that also has positive health benefits for you?  Try them out and let me know what you think by posting comments on the blog!

Have a wonderful week!  As always, feel free to email me with any questions :)

Be Educated.  Be Balanced.  Be Fit.  Be Healthy.  


Jannell MacAulay, BS Biology, MS Kinesiology
Certified yoga and fitness instructor
HBHL ~ Learn. Change. Grow.

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