Sunday, January 8, 2012

HBHL- 8 Jan 2012

Healthy Body Healthy Lifers,

So... how are my Cleansers doing? I hope things are going well.  I LOVE that you are using the Facebook page to share your stories and experiences.  Keep it up.  There are tons of other folks who are starting next week- and I know they appreciate the advice and tips :)

For all of my Alabama peeps, check out this week's workout schedule and the info on our next 5K race below:

CLICK HERE for local HBHL-AL information 

I would LOVE to see more folks signing up for the race.  We've got a little more than a handful signed up so far.  It's on January 21st in Prattville.  If you haven't run/walked a 5K before- this is the perfect time to join us.  Go at your own pace, we have plenty of HBHL'ers to support you!

This week there is a new format for the Powerbodyz workouts!! I have put a warm-up, cool-down, and an introductory PBz workout on You Tube.  It's a private site so you can only access it through  For any of you newbies- please start with the introductory workout so that you get an idea of what Powerbodyz workouts are about.  Below you will find some more information on the Tabata protocol which is what Powerbodyz is based on.  I hope you enjoy the workouts!

I've also included this week's workout.  Since we are cleansing, I've offered quite a few modifications and it's a shorter (less than 20 min workout).  But it is still intense! I did the workout today and really worked my full-body! 

CLICK HERE for your Powerbodyz Workouts 

Fitness Lesson:  What is Powerbodyz and what does it do for me???

The PowerBodyz workout we do is based on the Tabata protocol.  Dr Tabata's basic premise is that you can get a supra-aerobic cardio workout by increasing your high intensity interval training relative to the rest period. The goal is to improve performance with short training sessions- the base Tabata workout is only 4 minutes long.  Powerbodyz uses this concept but instead of just focusing on athleticism in one area (ie making an athlete a better runner, or a better biker) we will alternate the muscle groups by varying the exercises ensuring you get a FULL-BODY workout- maximizing fat burn, cardiovascular fitness, and anaerobic muscular endurance.  If you want to lose weight, build muscle tone, and/or keep your body from plateauing this type of workout will benefit you!

Check out this website for a little more information on Tabata itself:

Those of you who have been doing the Powerbodyz workouts since last summer should already be noticing the benefits!  The short bursts of intense interval training burn more calories than steady-state cardio workouts.  It's less than 30 minutes of intense activity, and the benefits are exponentially greater (as far as cardiovascular fitness and calorie burn, to name a few)!  So... you could spend 45 minutes to an hour on the stair master/elliptical machine on Thurs... OR spend 30 minutes doing Powerbodyz in the morning!   Now, you do have to work intensely during those short intervals... As I've mentioned during the workout- if you aren't out of breath and sweating, you are not working hard enough!  

How does it work exactly?  Powerbodyz gets your heart pumping and your metabolism firing.  You'll build lean muscle mass which will help you continue burning calories throughout the day.  Performing Powerbodyz workouts each week, using just your own body weight and performed ANYWHERE- will get you RESULTS!  So, keep up the great work and just think of the extra calories your burning all day long after those intense workouts :)

Nutrition Lesson:  Olive Oil (since it's an important part of the Cleanse)
Olive oil is a Mediterranean staple.  It's a great alternative to cooking with butter.  Some studies have shown that by replacing 2 T of olive oil for saturated fat (it's a monounsaturated fat), you can lower your cholesterol.    EVOO (Extra Virgin Olive Oil!) also has anti-inflammatory properties.  So, use olive oil instead of butter or mayo when cooking.  

For the Cleanse it's important (if you don't add enough of it to your cooking you should take 2 T of olive oil every night before bed).  Per Dr Junger, "Olive oil facilitates transit by lubricating the walls" of your intestines.  When taken at night it will also, "improve bowel elimination, provide anti-inflammatory fats, kill germs and enhance fat burning, stimulate the gall bladder and liver to move bile clearing the liver system, promote bone formation, inhibit blood clot formation, and promote hormonal balance."  Whew... lots of good stuff.  

Keep going on the Cleanse- I am so proud of everyone!  Don't forget to sign up for the email distro list, become a blogger Follower, and "like" HBHL on Facebook.  Also- coming shortly... you should be able to "Pin" HBHL for Pinterest.  I'll keep you posted on that...

Have a wonderful week!

Be Educated.  Be Balanced.  Be Fit.  Be Healthy.  


Jannell MacAulay, BS Biology, MS Kinesiology
Certified yoga, powerbodyz, piyo and fitness instructor
HBHL ~ Learn. Change. Grow.

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